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Healing stones and energy crystals you should have according to your zodiac sign

Increasingly, we are turning to healing stones and crystals that enhance energy, bringing good vibrations to our skin care rituals and personal wellness practices. Birthstones and crystals are part of our daily routines, especially those that resonate with our zodiac sign. With so many sparkling crystals available, it is difficult to choose one that propels our path at this time.Each zodiac sign is born under the influence of the planets and is governed by their energies. Crystals help balance these energies and promote growth, although each person's birth chart is unique, the following suggestions work across the board for every zodiac sign.

Although you may be tempted to sleep with mountains of healing stones by your bedside, there are simpler ways to harness the energy of a crystal. You can wear it as an ornament, place it next to your bed or under your pillow, or even meditate with one, whatever suits you best. Here are the best crystals for your sign:

The first sign of the zodiac, is ruled by the fiery planet Mars. Although it is a fire sign full of energy, it will flourish with a confidence booster, through crystals. You can choose a tiger's eye, which helps you focus, or a citrine, which brings positive energy. Keep the stones on your desk or meditate with them to make those big dreams you have come true.

These natives of the planet Venus love luxury and pleasure. What better stone to bring balance than with an emerald green? This beautiful stone brings harmony to the mind, body and soul and drives away unwanted energies. It's perfect in an exquisite jewellery and gift lover for this earth sign.

Lepidolite will calm this air sign that has a predilection for overthinking. After a day of decision making and an intense social agenda, put a lepidolite under your pillow for a good night's sleep. Lilac-grey and dusty pink, lepidolite is a stone corresponding to the crown chakra and helps to harmonise the body and mind, banishing worries and attracting joy.

Although Cancerians keep their emotions deep within, this water sign needs to process them. The moonstone aids self-healing and the pearl helps calm stormy seas: They are best worn as jewellery, meditated with or kept by the bedside. They also help improve intuition.

Fierce and fiery on the outside, but soft on the inside, this fire sign loves to be the centre of attention. The orange, red and gold coloured sunstone keeps Leo's in a good mood. It encourages a cheerful attitude so they can make their dreams come true. Keep it as a talisman or wear it as a bracelet. It works best if worn during the day.

Carnelian stimulates the creative spark and boosts the energy of the earth sign Virgo, an eternal worrier of all things around them. Carnelian will help you see things differently. It will add excitement to your day and relieve stress. You can wear it daily and watch how happiness will flow into your life.

Rose quartz brings balance to the romantic air sign, Libra. It helps to foster love and intimacy for those seeking deeper connections, even with oneself and therefore with others. Keep this love-overflowing crystal, with its pale pink hue, in the bedroom, letting peace and calm wash over you.

The stone of royalty, lapis lazuli helps this passionate water sign forge strong connections with their intuition and speak their truth. It will help you understand yourself on a deeper level, and provide you with protection, vitality and wealth. Place it in the third eye to connect with your inner knowing.

With a heart full of adventure, a Sagittarian is never one to stay in one place. This fire sign can benefit from sky blue turquoise. Turquoise brings clarity and stimulates the imagination. It can be worn as a jewel around the throat. This stone helps Sagittarians to speak the unvarnished truth.

One of the most loyal and hard-working signs of the zodiac, hide within themselves a wellspring of emotions. Blackish-green malachite helps to release those extra burdens and transform the depths of your heart. It encourages adventure and helps to release the past. Lie comfortably and place it over your heart, breathing deeply.

Intelligent, flamboyant and optimistic, Aquarians delight in the mind. Red garnet will ignite your passion while keeping you firmly rooted in life. Garnet promotes physical vitality. Air signs can be aloof, but garnet helps cultivate true friendships. Use the stone for meditation or have it on your personal altar.

This dreamy, intuitive water sign is a perfect match for aquamarine, a stone that helps you deal with your deep emotions. It brings joy and harmony to your relationships and allows you to have sincere conversations. Meditate with the crystal to develop more intuitive powers.

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