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The best rituals for the summer solstice 2023

On 21 June 2023, the summer solstice marks the formal start of the hottest season in the northern hemisphere. It is also the longest day of the year.

Here's how to make the most of this event:

Do sit-ups
The aim? To activate the third chakra, which is related to our emotions and our ability to digest. If we do regular abdominal exercises, we will be able to support our digestive system on the one hand, and on the other, we will be able to channel our emotions, even transform them into something creative so that we don't get overwhelmed.

Practice fire breathing
This is a kundalini yoga abdominal breathing that stimulates digestion. It allows us not only to transform food into vital energy, but also to deal with our emotions, transforming them into wisdoms that encourage us to act in the right direction.

Doing sun salutations
This is a very complete movement in yoga, which has the particularity of starting with the right leg. So first we involve the Yang side, which will recharge the solar plexus and boost the circulation of this Yang energy within us.

Repeat the mantra 'Hâr'.
In yoga, mantras, i.e. sacred sound vibrations, promote the connection to the solar centre with this Yang energy. In particular the mantra Hâr ('of manifested creation'), is a vibration that reconnects us with our capacity to manifest our truth.

Surround yourself with yellow and orange stones.
Stones will connect you to your manipura. Yellow and orange stones (tiger's eye, yellow agate, amber, pyrite...) are ideal for recharging the solar plexus. So you can use them in a summer solstice ritual and why not place them directly on the third chakra at the level of the navel or solar plexus.

Watch your sources of joy
When the sun shines, we can feel a ray of clarity in our lives. We realise what is important and what we really want to spend our time on. What motivates and drives us can be revisited at this time, because under the summer sun, we are guided to align our motivations with our highest truth and soul calling. How should we feel? Remain joyful, optimistic and enthusiastic. Ask yourself what nourishes you today. Then, feel free to nurture those relationships and activities that allow you to vibrate with joy and enthusiasm.

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